Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Paths to Happiness [2]

Positive Attitude
We started on the 'Paths to Happiness' yesterday, and I said building the foundation for enduring happiness requires a positive self esteem. If 'loving yourself' and building a positive image of yourself prepares the foundation for happiness, then maintaining a positive attitude, at all times, builds a lasting structure on that foundation.

We all know that it is easy to 'feel good' about yourself and what you doing when things are going as planned, but what about when things get real bad. The real test of your faith in the self comes when failure hits you hard on the face; when something you've devoted your best to, suddenly comes crashing. While positive attitude is vital in our everyday life, it becomes even more important in situations like this.

People who have a positive view of life, who are optimistic enough to take everything life serve them; good or bad, with a smile and still move on, are the real 'happy people'. Someone once said 'the ability to see the good in every situation is worth more than a million dollars'.

However, positive thinking is not a thing you achieve overnight; it's a habit you have to develop. It takes faith and strong will to remain positive when things aren't so good, but it helps. When you can see a glass of water as 'half full', instead of ‘half empty’ and that, it is 'darkest just before dawn', a deeper understanding of life dawns on you. You feel empowered to take control of your life, and whatever happens, you'll still find the strength to believe in your life.

People that have developed a positive attitude towards life don't spend their life crying over failures; they learn from it and move on. They don't expect people to show them the path to follow; they take their lives as their responsibility and whatever happens, they don't blame anybody. They live their life 'one day at a time’; they don't worry about tomorrow’s challenges and refuse to cry over yesterday's failures. And the result is, they are always happy, healthy and successful.

Words For Today

Nobody has things just as he would like them. The thing to do is to make a success with what material I have. It is a sheer waste of time and soulpower to imagine what I would do if things were different. They are not different.
Dr. Frank Crane

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