Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Power in You

Napoleon Hill was damn right when he titled one of his best books 'Think and Grow Rich'. 'Thinking' the right 'thoughts' can indeed propel you onto wealth and fullness of life, if properly harnessed. But the right 'thoughts' won't bring you wealth alone; your entire life - finances, career, relationship and all, would do a lot better with positive and creative thinking. Your mind is the real power in you.

'Winners don't quit' is a popular maxim often thrown around, have you ever stopped to ponder the meaning of this statement? It means that only those who truly and practically believe in their dreams and in their ability to actualize these dreams, not minding the harshness of reality, would enjoy lasting success.

In most cases, 'quitters', are people who fail to harness their real power; people who cannot crystallize the beauty of their dreams in their minds, people who lack, or fail to develop the ability to believe in themselves and trust in their strengths. In short, people fail because they expect to fail. Search deep within you, you would realize that each time you failed at something, you were truly expecting failure; you were using the power in you against yourself. I don't know of a better definition for failure.

Some people would argue that realities sometimes defy optimism; that there are times you just can 'go on'. I would say reality exist on various planes, the only constant factor in life is your perception of, and attitudes towards life.

If for you, everything is bad, poor, gloomy and always end in failure; you would always see the 'bad' side of things as 'real' and failure at everything you set your hands on. But if you chose to live on a higher plane, if you believe there is good in everything, if you can hold a positive attitude no matter what life serve you, then you'll always find success, happiness and fulfillment with everything you do.

Funny enough, a pessimistic attitude creates its own false realities. With the wrong attitude, one challenging day is like a year of hardship. When you allow your mind to dwell on the problems before you, instead of finding a solution, the problems become larger than life and finding a way out appears to be impossible.

But with the right attitude, challenges are less intimidating, the mind can think clearly and it becomes easier to plan and execute a way out of the problem. The power in you is strong and effective, it can work for or against you; it's your choice!

The only time we fail in life is when we truly and fully believe we have failed.

Words for Today
Learn the art of patience. Apply discipline to your thoughts when they become anxious over the outcome of a goal. Impatience breeds anxiety, fear, discouragement and failure. Patience creates confidence, decisiveness, and a rational outlook, which eventually leads to success.
Brian Adams

To die is nothing; but it is terrible not to live.
Victor Hugo (1802 - 1885)

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