Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Living Life Positively

So much has been said about the benefits of developing a positive attitude, passing through life with hopes, aspirations and an unending happiness, and about the powers of motivations on our quality of life. But we all know it is quite easy to commit pen to paper and pour out hundreds of motivational words; it's a whole different ball game in the real world.

The realities of life are sometimes too harsh and daunting for the average human being. I can tell you a lot about the challenges of life. Growing up in Africa with all its challenges; poverty, corruption, civil wars, HIV/AIDS, just to name a few, definitely prepares you for just about anything. I used to tell my friends that 'if you can live in Africa, then you can survive successfully in any part of the world'. In my over two decades of existence, I have learnt enough to live a century. But the most important lesson life has taught me is that your life would only be meaningful and worth living, if you learn to live positively, with hopes and happiness, irrespective of the realities you face.

When I was younger, I often wonder why people in the wealthy nations of the West still suffer such high rates of depression and suicides. Now, I understand quite well that your life is not shaped by what you have around you, but what you are inside. No amount of wealth, luxury and comfort will give you a happy life if you can't find happiness within you. At the same time, no degree of poverty and other life challenges would dampen your spirit, if your soul finds happiness in itself. There will always be challenges in life, but within you lie the power to overcome everyone of them, if you would just reach deeper.

Within every one of us lies the power to live positively and happily. Life becomes richer when you can look forward to tomorrow without fears or worries. The first step towards living a positive life is to let go of your fears and anxieties; they are an unnecessary burden the heart is forced to carry. Someone once defined FEAR as 'False Expressions Appearing Real'. You must realize that there is nothing real about fear; it is a creation of the mind, a byproduct of worries.

Look at it this way; worrying about something won't change that thing. You won't get richer just by worrying about and fearing poverty; neither would worrying about a bad relationship make it better. Throw away your worries, and with it goes fear. Instead, look through your problems with happiness, decide what must be done to help the situation and get to work on it. That way, you would be directing energies you would have wasted on worries and fear onto a constructive course. While this can be easily said, it is much difficult to practice; we all need help building a positive life. The sole purpose of this blog is to provide that 'help'. I'll be posting daily inspirational messages, videos and audios here. With this, I hope to help a few people, make a few friends and in the end help myself build a better and more positive life. Life's richer and better when you pass happiness around.

Words for Today

The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds can change the outer aspects of their lives.
James William

A true man never frets about his place in the world, but just slides into it by the gravitation of his nature, and swings there as easily as a star.
Edward Chapin

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