Monday, July 14, 2008

How To Be Happy

In the last four posts, I have extensively discussed some of the habits we must build to lead a happier life. However, it is easily enough said that happiness comes with a cheerful and outgoing disposition, with having positive self esteem and attitude and/or with building and maintaining loving relationships, but the problem is, how can we build or strengthen such traits?

In the last four posts, I have extensively discussed some of the habits we must build to lead a happier life. However, it is easily enough said that happiness comes with a cheerful and outgoing disposition, with having positive self esteem and attitude and/or with building and maintaining loving relationships, but the problem is, how can we build or strengthen such traits?

It is often argued that our basic personality, especially after childhood, is difficult to change; that traits like emotional stability, openness and outgoingness seem to persist after childhood. Although there is some truth in this, it is also true that we have the power to influence our destinies. Each and every one of us is a creator, as well as a creature of his social world. We can decide what we want with our lives and pursue this course.

More importantly, social psychologists have proven, over the last few decades that the actions we take leave a residue in us. Every time we act, the underlying idea or tendency behind the action gets amplified. This shows that our traits and attitudes are greatly influenced by our behaviors. The long and short of this is that, if you want to be happy, start acting happy right away. Each time you smile at somebody or something, the tendency to smile increases in you; each time you reach out and mix with people, the tendency to be more friendly increases in you and each time you show gratitude for what life has endowed you with, you become happier and more contented.

Do not expect to change your life in one day; that's impossible. But with every action in the right direction, you get closer to what you want your life to be like. Do you want to change something about your life? Maybe you want to boost your self esteem, become more optimistic and socially assertive, or you just want to be more outgoing and friendly to people. The best approach is to start doing that very thing right NOW. Pretend self-esteem. Feign optimism. Simulate outgoingness. Don't worry that it doesn't feel like you NOW, remember that it's always like that when you step into new roles, perhaps your first day as a parent, teacher or salesperson. After sometime, these attitudes no longer feel like you're pretending, they gradually become a part of you.

So, if you want to be happy, start 'acting' happy right NOW.

Words for Today

The greatest thing is this world is not so
Much about where we are, but in what direction
We are moving
Oliver Wendel Holmes

Human felicity is produced not so much by
great pieces of good fortunes that seldom happen
as little adventures that occur everyday
Benjamin Franklin

Do You Know That...

Mosquito repellants don't repel, they hide you. The spray blocks the mosquito's sensors so they don't know you're there.

Dentists have recommended that a toothbrush be kept at least 6feet from a toilet to avoid airborne particles resulting from the flush

Uncommon Wisdom
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.

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