Sunday, September 28, 2008

Laugh; It's Healthy

The ability to laugh at a situation or problem gives us a feeling of superiority and power. Humor and laughter can help you build a positive and hopeful attitude. You are less likely to succumb to feelings of depression and hopelessness if you are able to laugh at what is troubling you. Humor gives us a sense of perception on our problems. Laughter provides an opportunity for the release of those uncomfortable emotions, which, if held inside, may create biochemical changes that are harmful to the body.

No matter what you problem is, laugh it off.


Friday, September 26, 2008

You Are What You Believe

Without doubt, what and how you think, shape what you see. And your belief determines what you get out of life. So, for starters, if your life is not what you would like it to be, it's time to re-examine what you believes, and where necessary change your beliefs.

The question is: what exactly are beliefs?
There is no simple definition, however, it suffices to just say that beliefs are ideas you hold on to as facts; thoughts that you've processed through your mind repeatedly, and as such, constitute the foundation of your world view and life experiences. Unfortunately, beliefs are not always facts, neither are they universal truths, but your mind gives power to what you think repeatedly; power enough to control your life.

I read somewhere that: "your beliefs have a great deal of power over you, because you consistently come across evidence to support them. Your experiences in life will constantly prove your beliefs to be seemingly factually correct. The reason for this is that your conscious mind cannot possibly cope with every piece of information that it is exposed to. So your subconscious sifts all the information it receives and rejects that which contradicts your beliefs and retains that which supports them."

That explains why you would always see what you believe as facts and universal truths. Our beliefs come from a myriad of sources; what we learnt from parents as kinds, from teachers at school, from friends, societal norms and values and the list could go on.

However, what is important is not where your beliefs come from, but the fact that they influence your life because your mind sees them as undeniable fact. The worst problem with beliefs is that most of us leave with 'Limiting Beliefs', which tend to hold us back from going for what we want out of life, or interfere with our attempts to think about things in a new way. How you regard yourself, your strengths, abilities, financial situation, friends and families, to a large extent, determine your success in life.

If you are the type that has been programmed to see evil in everything, if you believe you can't achieve anything good, if you don't trust in your strengths, abilities and capacities; you may never be able to change things for the better in your life. Instead, you will encounter plenty of obstacles to support your belief that this is beyond your capabilities, your family doesn’t love you, your friends don't appreciate you or whatever it is that you're assuming to be the case.

Conversely, if you believe positively in your abilities and strengths; if you believe your family and friends love you and would always be there for you; if you believe things would always work out well; no matter the situation. Then you would always find success and happiness. Your beliefs won't stop you from encountering obstacles and barriers on the way, but they would make it easier to overcome these. You will always find loved ones to support and encourage you and you will be able to deal with failure and still move forward.

Changing your beliefs won't just change your life, it would help transform you into a better and more effective person.

And the good news is that, it is easy to change your beliefs.
Identify your beliefs in that area of your life you want to change. Ask yourself what beliefs would support your goals in these areas. Write out or search for positive affirmations. Recite these to yourself repeatedly for as long as it takes you to believe them. Just remember that for every belief you want to eliminate, there must be a positive one to replace it. Nature hates vacuum.

Go change your life; you deserve a better one!

Words For Today

Far away in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see the beauty,
believe in them and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott

Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied with the life you're living?
Bob Marley

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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

control Your Emotions

Anger and frustrations do always drive men into rash and irrational actions. People tend to take out their frustrations on others, and in the process start chain reaction that could potentially affect a lot of people and a lot of things.

I found this story among my collections and decided to share it. It's not mine, but I can't remember where I got it from.....

Jane, a bank executive, got caught in traffic on her way to an important presentation at a board of directors meeting. As a result, she was forty five minutes late for her presentation. After the meeting, Jane was in a really bad mood. Upon returning to her office, she discovered that several expected reports were not there.

Jane called Kevin, her administrative assistant, into her office and reprimanded him for not ensuring the reports had arrived on time. Another department was preparing the reports. Kevin had no control over when they would be delivered. Jane was in a foul mood and she didn't want to hear excuses.

Upset and stressed, Kevin called Donna, the secretary for the department preparing the reports. He started yelling at her that the reports he requested had not arrived on time. Although this was the first time Donna heard of the reports, Kevin didn't care. He was upset and took his anger out on Donna.

By the time she got off the phone with Kevin, Donna was seething. Who did Kevin think he was speaking to her like that? Just then, ED from the mailroom called Donna to ask how she wanted a package shipped. Donna accused ED of being an idiot for not knowing the package should be sent overnight because it was so important.

Ed tried to explain that there was no way he could have known what she wanted. Donna just slammed the phone down in a huff. Ed was livid. Did Donna think he was a mind reader? Ed was still agitated as he went to the diner for lunch.

The diner was extremely busy. His waitress, Stacey, took longer than usual to take his order. Ed was annoyed with the slow service. He was rude to Stacy and left her a small tip. Stacey was running herself ragged and was offended by Ed's attitude and tip.

The rest of Stacey's shift seemed to drag. When she finally got off work, she was in no mood for anymore hassles from anyone. As Stacey walked into her apartment, her five year old son, Jimmy, ran excitedly to greet her.

Stacey immediately noticed that Jimmy's pants were filthy. "I just washed those." She yelled. "Can't you keep anything clean?" Jimmy ran up to his room crying. His cat came over to him puffing. Jimmy was so upset he kicked the cat.

Wouldn't it have served a lot of people a lot of grief if Jane had gone directly to Stacey's house and kicked Jimmy's cat?

When you take out your frustrations on others, you may be starting a cascading chain reaction. If someone takes out their frustrations on you, break the chain by not taking it out on someone else. When you react negatively to another person's behaviour, you allow yourself to be drawn into their problems.

You are in charge of your emotions and thoughts. If you feel offended and annoyed, wait and think before speaking or acting.

Words For Today
Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness.
Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.
Scott Adams

The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday
regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.
We cannot change our past...
we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way.
We cannot change the inevitable.
The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have,
and that is our attitude.
I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me
and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you...
we are in charge of our Attitudes.
Chales R. Swindol


Monday, September 22, 2008

Find Your Weaknesses

In his "The Law of success", Napoleon Hill rightly observed that most successful people only became successful after discovering and correcting the weakness in their person and character. I have often heard people argue that knowing your strengths and building on it guarantees success, but I think differently.

Knowing your weak points and striving to correct them, is as important, if not even more important, than knowing your strengths.

Your weaknesses - the most dangerous being selfishness, greed, jealousy, revenge, egoism, lust, conceit and wanting to reap where you did not sow; could destroy you faster than your strengths would uplift you.

In fact, whatever strengths you posses would only successfully uplift your body and mind if they are not counter-balanced by your weakness. The weakness in our traits often tend to hide our strengths; it is by correcting these weakness that anyone can fully tap into their strengths and make success out of it.

Make it a point of duty, from now on, to identify your weaknesses. Ask colleagues, friends, or classmates to assess you; it is often difficult for relatives to say the truth about our characters, but real friends and colleagues should be sincere about their opinions.

Once you identify your weaknesses, start doing everything you can to correct them. If people describe you as selfish, start forcing yourself to share everything you possibly can; if you are egocentric and/or greedy, learn to think about others and their emotions and you'll be moved to act along this line; if you're revengeful, strive to always let people know when they've hurt you and their apologies might soften your heart.

Always remember that your weaknesses are the major barrier between you and happiness/success. You would only be eternally successful, if you identify and correct them.

Words For Today
Nobody needs a smile so much as the one who has none to give.
So get used to smiling heart warming smiles,
and you will spread sunshine in a sometimes dreary world
Lawrence G. Lovasik

The most effective way to achieve right relations
with any living thing is to look for the best in it,
and then help that best into the fullest expression.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Don't Live in Fear

Fear is man's worst enemy; it kills slowly and painfully.
The problem is, it is sometimes difficult to live without worries;
Worries about tomorrow, worries about the unknown, worries about uncertainties.
Worries deteriorate into fear, if left uncontrolled
Fear dominates and directs thinking and actions.
Fear becomes the first step towards poor self esteem
And then depression and then a wasted life.....

You can see that fear starts off as something less obvious
And leads to something quite debilitating.
You can break this chain reaction only if you seriously want to

Start living your live without worries.
Learn to live one day and one moment at a time.

Be grateful for every success that comes your way.
See every challenge as an opportunity to grow
And every failure as a lesson; a chance to start over again
With better tools and better knowledge.

Remember that you cannot do anything to change yesterday
And that tomorrow depends, to a large extent, on what you do today.
Make today, this moment counts
And look up to tomorrow with optimism and hope
Leave worries in the past
And your live will be free from Fear and its consequences.

Words For Today
Yesterday is but a dream, tomorrow but a vision.
But today well lived makes every yesterday
a dream of happiness, and
every tomorrow a vision of hope.
Look well, therefore, to this day.
Such is the salutation to the dawn.
Sanskrit proverb

Open your eyes, look within.
Are you satisfied with the life you're living?
Bob Marley


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Making it Happen

The real pleasure in life is in the 'small' things;
the things we most often fail to notice.
I have spent years wishing I could do more,
wishing I could achieve more.
And because I ignore those small successes
that come my away every time, those big dreams weren't just 'happening'.
But now I have realized that the real success
is not in those huge breaks that happen once in every lifetime,
but in those small achievements we make along the way.
Your life can be more meaningful
if you would just find joy and be grateful for
those 'little happiness' life throws your way every now and then.
When you appreciate and find joy in the little things,
your attitude towards life changes.
Happiness becomes a thing you achieve daily and
not once in a lifetime; and those big dreams,
becomes less big, less intimidating and easier to overcome.
If you are going to make those big dreams happen,
you must start by first paying attention to,
appreciating and finding strength in those little successes
life endows every one of us with, daily.

Words For Today

Depend upon yourself. Make your judgment trustworthy by trusting it.
You can develop good judgment
as you do the muscles of your body -
by judicious, daily exercise.
Grantland Rice

As for the future, your task is not to foresee it, but to enable it.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery


Friday, September 12, 2008

You Don't Have to Be Right

Life's too short to be spent in the search for perfection.
Indeed, in the final count right and wrong are just opinions, not fact. What's right to one man is wrong to another.
In everything you have to do, people's opinion about its 'rightness' should come a far second to how you feel doing it.
If you are going to find happiness and fulfillment down inside, then just go ahead; people laughing at you today, will come around and laugh with you, if you keep doing what you love doing, because you would always excel at it.
You don't have to be perfect; you don't even have to be right. You only have to be happy. That's the sole purpose of living, anyway.

Words For Today
This life is yours. Take the power to choose what you want to do and do it well.
Take the power to love what you want in life and love it honestly.
Take the power to walk in the forest and be a part of nature.
Take the power to control your own life.
No one else can do it for you.
Take the power to make your life happy.
Susan Polis Schutz

I can't change the direction of the wind,
but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination
Jimmy Dean


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Failure is A Chance to Start Again

It hurts so deeply when all your efforts seem to be insufficient
When no matter how hard you try, you can seem to succeed at your dreams
When you put so much effort into something and get nothing in return
If you would just look deeper
You would realize that in every failure, there is a lesson.
And most importantly, you are given the opportunity
To start all over again and to correct
every mistakes you made on the way.

Failure is not the end; it's a better beginning.

Words For Today

If you have made mistakes...
there is always another chance for you...
you may have a fresh start any moment you choose,
for this thing we call "failure" is not the falling down,
but the staying down.
Mary Pickford

The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitudes.
Chales R. Swindol



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