Monday, September 22, 2008

Find Your Weaknesses

In his "The Law of success", Napoleon Hill rightly observed that most successful people only became successful after discovering and correcting the weakness in their person and character. I have often heard people argue that knowing your strengths and building on it guarantees success, but I think differently.

Knowing your weak points and striving to correct them, is as important, if not even more important, than knowing your strengths.

Your weaknesses - the most dangerous being selfishness, greed, jealousy, revenge, egoism, lust, conceit and wanting to reap where you did not sow; could destroy you faster than your strengths would uplift you.

In fact, whatever strengths you posses would only successfully uplift your body and mind if they are not counter-balanced by your weakness. The weakness in our traits often tend to hide our strengths; it is by correcting these weakness that anyone can fully tap into their strengths and make success out of it.

Make it a point of duty, from now on, to identify your weaknesses. Ask colleagues, friends, or classmates to assess you; it is often difficult for relatives to say the truth about our characters, but real friends and colleagues should be sincere about their opinions.

Once you identify your weaknesses, start doing everything you can to correct them. If people describe you as selfish, start forcing yourself to share everything you possibly can; if you are egocentric and/or greedy, learn to think about others and their emotions and you'll be moved to act along this line; if you're revengeful, strive to always let people know when they've hurt you and their apologies might soften your heart.

Always remember that your weaknesses are the major barrier between you and happiness/success. You would only be eternally successful, if you identify and correct them.

Words For Today
Nobody needs a smile so much as the one who has none to give.
So get used to smiling heart warming smiles,
and you will spread sunshine in a sometimes dreary world
Lawrence G. Lovasik

The most effective way to achieve right relations
with any living thing is to look for the best in it,
and then help that best into the fullest expression.

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