Thursday, December 25, 2008

Another Year Just Gone By

It's the end of another year again, and as is usual, we all want to do self checks. We want to assess our achievements and failures, what we set out to accomplish in the year, how close we got to achieving them, what contributed to our successes and failures. These are all valid points to reflect on as the year runs out, but, we could do better.

One full year is a very long time in a man's life time. A lot of things; the good, the not so good and the ugly, happen or could happen in the course of 365days. Someone one's said that most of the frustrations and depressions we experience in life is because we view time in chunks of months or years, and most times wait for a year to end before reflecting on what we want out of life. A lot of things could happen in one full year, leaving you with a lot of things/events to worry about.

Life would be a lot easier, if time is measured in hours and days. Set daily goals and targets and evaluate your success everyday. There is less to worry about and more to learn if we measure our lives in days. At the end of every day, take time to evaluate what you wanted out of the day and what you got, draw your lessons and start each new days as you would start a new year.

Of course, months ends and year ends are critical periods to re-evaluate our lives, I am not contending that fact, what am pointing out, however, is that these rituals become more meaningful and less confusing, if we take our hours and days more important.

It's Christmas, have some fun, share joy and happiness and help lift this pervading gloom.
I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous 2009.

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