Tuesday, September 23, 2008

control Your Emotions

Anger and frustrations do always drive men into rash and irrational actions. People tend to take out their frustrations on others, and in the process start chain reaction that could potentially affect a lot of people and a lot of things.

I found this story among my collections and decided to share it. It's not mine, but I can't remember where I got it from.....

Jane, a bank executive, got caught in traffic on her way to an important presentation at a board of directors meeting. As a result, she was forty five minutes late for her presentation. After the meeting, Jane was in a really bad mood. Upon returning to her office, she discovered that several expected reports were not there.

Jane called Kevin, her administrative assistant, into her office and reprimanded him for not ensuring the reports had arrived on time. Another department was preparing the reports. Kevin had no control over when they would be delivered. Jane was in a foul mood and she didn't want to hear excuses.

Upset and stressed, Kevin called Donna, the secretary for the department preparing the reports. He started yelling at her that the reports he requested had not arrived on time. Although this was the first time Donna heard of the reports, Kevin didn't care. He was upset and took his anger out on Donna.

By the time she got off the phone with Kevin, Donna was seething. Who did Kevin think he was speaking to her like that? Just then, ED from the mailroom called Donna to ask how she wanted a package shipped. Donna accused ED of being an idiot for not knowing the package should be sent overnight because it was so important.

Ed tried to explain that there was no way he could have known what she wanted. Donna just slammed the phone down in a huff. Ed was livid. Did Donna think he was a mind reader? Ed was still agitated as he went to the diner for lunch.

The diner was extremely busy. His waitress, Stacey, took longer than usual to take his order. Ed was annoyed with the slow service. He was rude to Stacy and left her a small tip. Stacey was running herself ragged and was offended by Ed's attitude and tip.

The rest of Stacey's shift seemed to drag. When she finally got off work, she was in no mood for anymore hassles from anyone. As Stacey walked into her apartment, her five year old son, Jimmy, ran excitedly to greet her.

Stacey immediately noticed that Jimmy's pants were filthy. "I just washed those." She yelled. "Can't you keep anything clean?" Jimmy ran up to his room crying. His cat came over to him puffing. Jimmy was so upset he kicked the cat.

Wouldn't it have served a lot of people a lot of grief if Jane had gone directly to Stacey's house and kicked Jimmy's cat?

When you take out your frustrations on others, you may be starting a cascading chain reaction. If someone takes out their frustrations on you, break the chain by not taking it out on someone else. When you react negatively to another person's behaviour, you allow yourself to be drawn into their problems.

You are in charge of your emotions and thoughts. If you feel offended and annoyed, wait and think before speaking or acting.

Words For Today
Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness.
Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.
Scott Adams

The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday
regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.
We cannot change our past...
we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way.
We cannot change the inevitable.
The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have,
and that is our attitude.
I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me
and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you...
we are in charge of our Attitudes.
Chales R. Swindol


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